Home > Yay! Back on track.

Yay! Back on track.

November 21st, 2007 at 05:57 pm

So I finally updated my ticker. The problem being that for some reason I ended up spending money on one of my credit cards so I wasn't actually making progress. Now I am going to have to look at the last two months and figure out what I messed up in my budget so it doesn't happen again.

Oh now I see it, out to eat and helping my friend out longer than I thought I would have to. Well, the out to eat is to expected, we just switched from $250 per month to $100 per month and I never do well during the initial transition and the other is over. So my budget should be fine now.

On a positive note, this month I have done extremely well and next month is when all of my husband's cards and one of mine get paid off. I am definitely going to enjoy that.

So for those of you curious, here is what my new budget is going to look like:

Savings $25
IRA $100 (still debating taking this to $200 prior to paying off next cc)
Utility $50
Phone $84
CC#2 $700 (CC#1 will be gone in one week)
Electric $90
Cable $62
CC#3 $150
CC#4 $200
Groceries $250
Entertainment/Travel $100
Lunch/spend money $100
DVD rental $10
Student Loan $194
Bus Pass $54 (or whatever the price rises to since it should be going up in Jan)

Husband's will be:
Rent $700
Eating Out $100
Down payment savings $800 + bonuses and extra pay periods

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