Home > Painful month for the budget

Painful month for the budget

October 22nd, 2007 at 09:46 pm

I have decided that having two weekend plans and suddenly having a social life all in the same month is very painful for my budget.

Its been at least a year since I needed money transferred to my account so that I wasn't skating towards the edge of overdrafting but today I had to transfer money from my savings account to my checking to make myself comfortable. I don't consider $2 sufficient funds in case something unaccounted for is cashed against my account. Yuck.

Mind you I have a couple hundred sitting in my account but there is a potential 2-day gap between when most of that goes to bills and I get paid again. I suppose I could have let up on my debt payments since they are fairly aggressive but I honestly prefer transferring $25 from my saving account (which pays almost no interest and exists solely for months like this) than slow down the debt repayment. Still feel like an idiot though...

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