Home > Ouch, that hurts

Ouch, that hurts

January 11th, 2010 at 06:35 pm

A rebuilt transmission will be necessary for the car. That will deplete the rest of our savings so I am going to have to get creative to rebuild the savings fund.

We still haven't had a setback that we haven't been able to pay in full but this last one is cutting it close. I may need to slow down the repayment schedule to allow our cushion some healing time.

Time also to nix the allowance increase. The new paint will just have to wait till March. In fact, time to cut back more. If I can just get through March, everything opens up after that but its going to be tight until then.

1 Responses to “Ouch, that hurts”

  1. mom-from-missouri Says:

    I need some transmission work done on my suburban. A good friend of ours just got his hours cut at the transmission shop he works at, so we will have him do it. We already located another part from a junk yard, so he will do it for about 1/3 of the orginal estimated repair. It will help him and us!

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