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Feeling better about myself.

October 2nd, 2007 at 02:59 pm

So my husband and I were discussing finances last night because I get impatient about how long it takes to pay debt off and so have to give myself pep talks. I also wanted to make sure that we were actually making progress and not back sliding at all.

So you want to hear the scary number? My husband and I in the past year have paid off more than 14k in debt. And at the start of that year we weren't being extremely frugal. Every time an unexpected (or unplanned for) expense has come up, I have just had us tighten our belts because I was afraid we wouldn't stay on track otherwise.

I really thought it would be a lot less. I mean we have taken a couple of trips, I have bought lots of electronic toys, and I can assure you our personal collection of books and cd's have grown dramatically. We are not the poster children for frugal by any stretch of the imagination.

This past year was all about gradually learning to make do with less so that we didn't feel deprived. I am actually kind of excited now to see what another year of this brings! I mean, if we could pay off that much while still learning how not to spend, I can just imagine how well we could do now.

As the title suggests, I am feeling much better about myself now.

2 Responses to “Feeling better about myself.”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Good for you!

  2. lattelal Says:

    Way to go! You're doing great. And you can still buy fun stuff! I'm not frugal either, but I'm trying to be right now. Have fun at the festival!!

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