Home > Weekend Aftermath

Weekend Aftermath

October 15th, 2007 at 04:16 pm

Well, got to say. I thought the cost would be worse but we definitely need to behave for the rest of the month.

We did the Royal Gorge Railroad gourmet lunch and it was fantastic. Definitely an awesome experience. Then we went to Garden of the Gods on our way back to Denver (free entry so this didn't cost anything).

We ate out supper at a fairly reasonably priced place and then went and played pool at a pool hall until the wee hours of the morning.

Sunday we went to a friend's house and saw her babies and her for a little bit.

Total damage as of this weekend was under $200 with rental car and gas for driving all over. So overall, not too bad for what we did.

The real trick will be behaving for the next 2 1/2 weeks which is what we need to do in order not to go over our budget.

Next weekend we are definitely staying home except for the couple hours where dh is going to work overtime. I need time to cook, lol.

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