Home > January update on the ticker

January update on the ticker

January 3rd, 2008 at 04:06 pm

Woohoo! My bonus being added to my debt money was a very nice addition. I am debating how much to make dh pitch in on stuff. I may just let him splurge for a little bit since he paid off his 20k. He's earned it. Sides, he is picking up the tax bill this year so that is a big one off my list. I think I will just make him pay for any travelling we want to do.

Oh, here is the latest version of my budget if anyone is interested.

Savings $25
Roth IRA $150
Water and Sewer $45 (actual range is $35-45)
Cellular phone for 2 $84
CC1 $100 (balance 3403)
Electricity $100 (actual range $80-100)
Cable internet $62
CC2 $150 (balance 6326)
CC3 $800 (balance 7053)
Groceries $250
Allowance $150
Netflix $10
Student Loan $194
Bus Pass $60 (my work pays for one of them)

CC4 has been paid off. Normally I would snowball but in this case, my big monster has the worst apr by far at 10.99%.

Now I just have to pretend that I am a patient person.

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