Home > Ick...My friend got laid off.

Ick...My friend got laid off.

January 24th, 2008 at 03:09 pm

She was just starting to get her feet under her and then she got laid off yesterday. She is calling the temp agency today to get on their hiring list again and will be job hunting but needless to say, its going to be a bit rough for her.

Fortunately, they were nice enough to give 2 weeks severance even though they didn't have to so that should help. She will file for unemployment as of Monday since they will be paying her through this Friday.

It could be an interesting month for all of us. Uggg. I am not sure how much we should help her given that she made some bad financial choices that we promised ourselves we would not support...

Hopefully she gets a new job before that becomes an issue.

2 Responses to “Ick...My friend got laid off.”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    I was in a similar situation and as a SAHM wasn't in much position to help at all monetarily. I did take my best friend shopping with me and bought groceries for her during a stint of being a student and between jobs. I thought it was really appreciated. Or give a gift card for gas. Practical and useful

  2. denisentexas Says:

    I agree with mom-sense that a grocery shopping trip or gas gift card would be practical and helpful to your friend. I hope she finds a job very soon.

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