Home > Another raise for DH

Another raise for DH

February 28th, 2008 at 03:18 pm

My DH got a rather large increase to his base pay yet again thanks to the company restructuring the bonuses. It means the high won't be quite as high but he is guaranteed more. It doesn't change our budget because we already were guestimating a certain amount for bonuses but its nice to have a bit more certainty.

We went out to eat to celebrate and spent $17 total. It was really just an excuse to eat out but that is a small enough splurge to not be an issue. Especially since that is all we are spending.

This month I will have fun updating the ticker, we will be paying in full a $2100 credit card. Now I just have to wait for March, grrr...

3 Responses to “Another raise for DH”

  1. miz pat Says:

    God bless you dear, that is very nice news.

  2. merch Says:

    Very nice. Keep it up!!!

  3. KellyB Says:

    Congratulations, every little bit helps! Good luck on your debt payoff.

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