Home > End of August Update

End of August Update

September 2nd, 2008 at 04:35 pm

August was an extra paycheck month for my DH so our savings got an extra boost. I was about $200 overbudget for this month but despite that, we are $400 ahead of our savings budget. Between overtime and having a skimpy base budget, we had room for the overrun.

I am still trying to figure out how much to set aside for travelling and festivals. I know that $25 per month is definitely not enough so once we settle into a home I may have to take a look back through the year and attempt to figure out what I need. I suspect it will be trial and error for awhile. Currently I only separate out a little bit and then take the rest from the monthly free money.

Since I only use a credit card that I pay in full each month, when we start travelling again I will need to do a better job of saving out that money. Currently, the small trips have worked pretty well in the monthly budget so I just need to really save out for the big items (plane tickets, reservations, etc).

1 Responses to “End of August Update”

  1. cylenchar Says:

    Nice to see we are almost a third of the way towards our savings goal, and to watch the net value creep up. Come january we will really be able to get our net value up when I up my 401K percentage and we start paying off the remaining cc debt and start maxing out the IRA's. We are getting there.

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