Home > Everything still up in the air

Everything still up in the air

June 11th, 2009 at 02:37 pm

I was going to start hammering out the credit card payoffs starting this month but it looks like I will go easy on that. My husband informed me that there are rumors that the branch he is at will shut down in a couple of months. I am still going to start paying them down but I won't run things tight while his work situation is iffy.

I have been back at my job for about 2 weeks now and things are going great. Very happy and glad to be employed again. Looking forward to that first paycheck.

Have finally decided to go with T-Mobile's prepaid plan. I can buy 1000 minutes and they don't expire for a whole year, plus any refills add 15% of the minutes as well. That puts the husband's phone cost at about $8 per month and mine at about $30. We currently pay $71 now...

We did up our cash allowance to $250 per week. That way it can cover house repairs or other miscellaneous items as needed. This means we are on the 12 month plan to debt payoff instead of the 9 month plan (so long as husband stays employed) but also means we are more likely to stay within the budget. As natural spenders, all the deprivation gets to us after awhile so we are going to stop the sprint and go for the marathon. Think it will work better.

1 Responses to “Everything still up in the air”

  1. my english castle Says:

    It'll be so nice to have a paycheck! Hope your husband's job stays put.

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