Home > Was wondering when that would happen...

Was wondering when that would happen...

July 27th, 2009 at 03:30 pm

So the Wamu credit card that was bought out by Chase is being closed by Chase. A little insulting despite being expected. They didn't like my amount of debt in comparison to limits, my number of bank cards (since when did we stop calling them credit cards?) or the recent opening of bank cards (I had opened 1).

I didn't have anything on the card and like I said, I have been expecting this for awhile simply because it was apparent that they didn't want my business (when credit cards aren't trying to shove balance transfer checks down your throat, you know you are in trouble). What actually surprises me is that Discover hasn't yet followed suit. That's okay, it saves me the trouble of having to cancel the card once everything is paid off (I had Chase once before for all of 3 months before I cancelled the card because I couldn't stand them. I would have never used that card for anything.)

I did laugh though having received that letter and then logging on to my Citi and seeing that they had raised my limit. Ah well, one more year will see the debt gone and then none of this will matter. It did encourage me to do my final balance transfer early so I don't have to be worried about being stuck with a nasty rate when the 0 ends.

2 Responses to “Was wondering when that would happen...”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I actually have the Chase credit card and they have canceled me too. Same yada, yada. Someday when this recession is over and they are begging to give away their cards again, I will keep a LLLOOOONNNGGG memory of all the cards that screwed/dissed me and I won't give them the time of day no matter what the incentive!

  2. Caoineag Says:

    Yeah, I suspect a lot of people are going to feel that way. Don't feel bad about the Chase card though. Seriously, they are the worst credit card company I have ever dealt with. For example, they had this bad habit of not cashing your payment right away and then charging you late fees (this happened to 2 people I know and they were pay in full type, never wait till the last minute people)and my personal history was that they made balance transfer offers that they didn't live up to. Needless to say, I didn't keep them nor did the other 2 people I mentioned.

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