I lowered my IRA contributions today to the minimum. I hate doing that but I don't want to put us in an uncomfortable position while DH looks for work (current contract ends in a month) and right now I want to hoard as much money as possible. (We are also lowering our allowance to as little as we can get by with which is officially a little more than half of normal).
My take away from this is that next year my goal will be an EF of at least 10k. 1-2k just doesn't give me enough leeway to feel comfortable. Not that 10k will be enough in the long run, it just works as a short term goal while I max out the retirement accounts next year. I will actually need to save up a lot of money because sometime in the next 4 years, I need to put a new roof on the house.
Bah, I hate having things up in the air. Speaking of which, I should get hubby to transfer his 401(k) to a rollover ira. He's paying higher fees for leaving it there then he would by having it in an ira.
Cannibalizing the future to make sure of the present
July 31st, 2009 at 03:48 pm
July 31st, 2009 at 05:34 pm 1249058068
I rolled mine out the first week I changed employers. Even if it didn't have a huge savings, I felt better that way, AND I got to select funds that I liked!
July 31st, 2009 at 09:29 pm 1249072172