Home > Cannibalizing the future to make sure of the present

Cannibalizing the future to make sure of the present

July 31st, 2009 at 03:48 pm

I lowered my IRA contributions today to the minimum. I hate doing that but I don't want to put us in an uncomfortable position while DH looks for work (current contract ends in a month) and right now I want to hoard as much money as possible. (We are also lowering our allowance to as little as we can get by with which is officially a little more than half of normal).

My take away from this is that next year my goal will be an EF of at least 10k. 1-2k just doesn't give me enough leeway to feel comfortable. Not that 10k will be enough in the long run, it just works as a short term goal while I max out the retirement accounts next year. I will actually need to save up a lot of money because sometime in the next 4 years, I need to put a new roof on the house.

Bah, I hate having things up in the air. Speaking of which, I should get hubby to transfer his 401(k) to a rollover ira. He's paying higher fees for leaving it there then he would by having it in an ira.

2 Responses to “Cannibalizing the future to make sure of the present”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    It's completely understandable.

    I rolled mine out the first week I changed employers. Even if it didn't have a huge savings, I felt better that way, AND I got to select funds that I liked!

  2. zetta Says:

    You've got until April 15, 2010 to make that IRA contribution, so I'd encourage you to set the money aside. If your DH find a job before then and things are looking up, you can make the contribution in a lump sum then.

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