We managed to sell my two old video consoles so that one set of items gone. That netted me a used video game that I had wanted and $16 cash so not too shabby.
I also managed to organize all the electronics in the living room. Yeck, a day long project between the cleaning of everything, figuring out placement and tying up of cords. However, my surround sound system is finally all hooked up for the first time since moving into the new place and the electronics look nice and clean.
We are still in the process of selling our bikes. The place that buys them wanted photos emailed so they could quote us but it looks like their email is full so they only have one set of photos.
DH put up the new lights for the hallway and the kitchen that we have had for awhile and they look much nicer.
Oh we also gave our old massive table to a friend and moved our massive 125g into the carport so our library has a lot more room than it used to.
We still have a lot left to do but its nice to feel like we have accomplished quite a bit.
Busy weekend
August 3rd, 2009 at 02:37 pm
August 3rd, 2009 at 03:34 pm 1249313690
August 4th, 2009 at 12:38 am 1249346314