I tend to keep 1k in my checking account, always. So you can imagine my joy at knowing I have one moment with my checking where its only supposed to have $15...Ugg. I know its my cash flowing process that produced this and the bank will never see below a couple hundred but still. I like my cushion. All it takes is one mistake at that level for you to pay big time (just ask my friend who managed to rack up $200 in overdraft fees this week).
At least it goes back up to its normal amount and then some this week. Note to self, paying off debt is good but don't time it so that makes your cushion completely disappear.
On the weekend front, it was a rather cheap weekend despite spending my whole Saturday (afternoon and evening) with friends. We spent all Saturday morning cleaning up the front and back yard and the rest of the weekend relaxing.
I am down to 136 lbs. from a high of 143 and the portion control is resulting in our food bill going down. However, at the rate I am going, I will need to save money for new pants and shorts. Its pretty apparent already that I am going to end up dropping a size if I get to either of my goal weights.
Checking cushion and weekend update
August 10th, 2009 at 04:58 pm
August 10th, 2009 at 05:50 pm 1249923039
I noticed when shopping at my local Salvation Army that the "nicest" (read least worn) clothing were in sizes ranging from 6-10. People usually need to ditch their clothes because they gain weight, so it's a benefit for those who lose!
August 10th, 2009 at 07:33 pm 1249929199
August 11th, 2009 at 01:19 pm 1249993167