Home > Latest solicitation via phone

Latest solicitation via phone

August 12th, 2009 at 04:31 pm

Normally I ignore spam but this one was on my voicemail. He basically implied that I had called him for a quote on getting my debt cut down and that he could see from his records that I was only paying minimum payments so he gave me a quote and a phone number to call him back at. Nice scam given the current market. Probably gets quite a few callbacks.

I can't even remember a time when I only paid the minimum on something. I am pathologically incapable of it (running up debt I can do, paying only minimums though would give me a heart attack). Just like I can't believe anyone would have double digit interest on loans or credit cards (but then there are plenty of people here who can't believe anyone would do debt of any kind so its not like I have much room to talk).

3 Responses to “Latest solicitation via phone”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    People that are financially serious hopefully wouldn't fall for this! I sure remember who I call for quotes and who I don't!

  2. TryingHard Says:

    I can see why this scam could soud good to people who are constantly getting debt collectors phone calls. But thininking about it, where are these people going to get money to pay for consultation fees? If they are that far into debt and every penny counts where is the money to pay these scammers?

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    Be careful. This could be one of those phishing type things where they ask for personal information and steal your identity. You may be able to report this to someone in federal or state government, as it sounds like they are trying to committ fraud.

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