Home > A bad weekend but the week is slowly getting better

A bad weekend but the week is slowly getting better

September 17th, 2009 at 02:49 pm

Probably the less I say about this the better but its definitely finance related. We were robbed over the weekend but our animals are safe, we are okay and the robbers weren't malicious or thorough.

I have spoken with the claim specialist and we are well covered so technically I should only have to pay the deductible and they will pay the rest, including actual replacement cost for anything bought within 180 days.

Obviously we will not be replacing everything. Some things we simply won't be able to find that fast and others we feel no need to get again. We will be upgrading 3 items when we go to replace (they were nearing the end of their lives anyway so we will be grateful for even just cash value).

We also intend to put security features into place before we start replacing things. Though to be fair, these robbers got in through an unlocked window. Ah the joys.

6 Responses to “A bad weekend but the week is slowly getting better”

  1. monkeymama Says:

    I am sorry - that sucks!!

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Ugh, sorry to hear that. Good thing you were insured, but what a violation of your space; I can't imagine.

  3. miz pat Says:

    I'm thankful you and your animals are okay. What a rotton thing to have happen. Take care. You are doing the right thing to get security measures taken first.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    I am so sorry, I was robbed once while on vacation. They made a mess of the house, but didn't take too much except my coin collection. We went out and got two dobermans, fenced the yard and never had any one come in our yard again.

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear you got robbed.It is a sick, sick feeling. But at least no humans or animals were injured.

  6. mrs. Says:

    So sorry to hear about it! Glad you and the animals are OK.

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