Home > My personal rate of return

My personal rate of return

November 4th, 2009 at 05:01 pm

I used a calculator to figure that since I have started my retirement accounts my personal rate of return has been 18%! Since I have only had a retirement account for 2 1/2 years, that's not super impressive but does show the advantage of buying low.

I am pretty sure it will drop for the next ten years till it gets to a real rate of return but nonetheless its encouraging. Mainly because I was thinking that a ROR over 6% was completely unrealistic over the longterm (now I am wondering if maybe it is possible). I guess I had thought that with this market I was only doing about 6% now and figured if this is one of the more profitable years, then 6% was definitely not possible.

In defense of my ignorance, I did have to do a little digging thanks to some rearrangement of funds to figure actual contributions and expenses.

DH's personal rate of return is better though. He had the advantage of free money in his 401(k) so I think his is closer to 26% overall. Hopefully his next full time job will offer a 401(k) again with matching because that was extremely handy for squirrelling away money. (I only have an IRA as my retirement fund, and that's true for quite some time to come).

I expect next year to be bumpy but that just gives me another opportunity to buy cheaply.

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