It didn't hurt as much as I was expecting but then they haven't cracked down at DH's work on overtime yet so that spared us a little. Nonetheless, its good to know that our savings rate is going back up to a somewhat decent level (7.8%). At the end of the year we will load up the Roths so it will jump to a healthy level at that time (depending on the constantly jumping income somewhere around 22% to retirement savings).
This year's goals are simple. Pay off the debt and max out retirement savings to best of our ability.
This will get a little bit easier if we do manage to refinance. The mortgage payment difference isn't huge but it would definitely gives us more to work with. Needless to say, I am waiting with bated breath to hear the appraisal number. They have to tell us before next Wednesday...
All in all, not much going on.
First 401(k) contribution
January 22nd, 2010 at 02:54 pm
January 23rd, 2010 at 12:33 am 1264206787