Viewing the 'Musings' Category
January 29th, 2009 at 03:07 pm
just cut hours to 35 per week and reduced bonuses. He thinks despite that, they will need to do another layoff in a month or two. I told him, well you could always hope they lay you off next time. Sadly, this would be good news for him because he hates his work environment. I do think I will make sure we don't agressively pay off things so we can have a decent sized EF at all times. We will still be able to pay off the majority though. Ah the joys. At least we never expanded our lifestyle to use up his extra income. That would have been painful.
Posted in
January 28th, 2009 at 02:39 pm
Its good to get things done. Finished doing my taxes and submitted them. Everyone this year was really good about getting the forms to me unlike 2 years ago when I was still getting items in March and April.
Lost 2 lbs and 1/2 inch at my waist and a 1/4 at my hips. Discovered yesterday that 23 is still warm enough to go running outside but I need a headband for my poor ears. Now I will never have an excuse to avoid exercising in the winter again. Did ice my knees after the run and they are doing extremely well now so may start doing that on a regular basis.
Its day 3 of my frugal month and I am not having any issues with not eating out (very shocking to me) but its also not the weekend which is when I spend the most. Unfortunately I have plans to go out with a friend this friday. Not sure where we are going or what we are doing but I am sure it will involve money. Ah well, we had these plans before I decided to turn this month frugal so I will just have to make do.
Posted in
January 26th, 2009 at 02:46 pm
Which is good because we spent more money on the house. Patience just doesn't seem like a virtue I possess. So instead of getting a reward when I finish my frugal month, I already have my reward and now need to simply do it. *sigh*
On a positive note, we found a much cheaper sink for the bathroom and we have everything for finishing off the kitchen. We spent the weekend getting the bathroom sink hooked up and now we have a sink that doesn't overhang the tub and the toilet. It also has storage space underneath so no more clutter.
We have the new countertop cut but not installed. That will probably be next weekend. We still haven't cleaned out the old apartment either. May need to talk to DH and see if we can take some days off so we can get that done. We are down to our final month with the apartment.
I received my water rebate for the HE washer and a rebate from my homeowner's for getting my car insurance with them which was very nice.
To start the frugal month out right I am going to see how many days in a row I can go without eating out. Even though eating out is allowed, we will save more if we keep it at a minimum.
Posted in
January 20th, 2009 at 04:04 pm
So the repair bill for the car was not $200 like I imagined it would be but $1000. Ouch. Two catalytic converters going bad at the same time. At least they come with an 8 year warranty now...
At first I thought it was a rip off. Then I went online and found the retail price of the parts, yuck. They really are that expensive. Frankly as a mechanics daughter, I am surprised labor was as cheap as it was.
We were told our struts are leaking as well so we should get them fixed at some point. Another $1200 when we get around to that. After that though, the mechanic is pretty sure we are good for another 100k+ so that is something (car is currently over 330k).
Its actually remarkable how quiet the car is now...
Posted in
January 19th, 2009 at 03:49 pm
Oh this weekend we spent money. Nothing like the past but we still should have spent nothing instead of what we did.
Bought some used video games for me, some study books for DH and a few more project odds and ends for the house.
We didn't really accomplish much, though DH did make a wooden container for the compost pile.
He has the next two days off so he is getting the car fixed and waiting for the mortar guy today. Hopefully tomorrow he will either work on the house or collect stuff from the apartment. Both are long overdue at this point.
We are still accumulating debt at this point. February will be the last of the double bills and March will be in the all clear but I am more than a little nervous about DH's job hunting. The sooner he finds a new one the better so I can begin to set up a new budget and know what I am working with. We have decided not to hand over control of the finances to him right now because he has too many things on his plate as it is.
I am still keeping all the debt at 0% and trying to slow the drain on money but its difficult with everything up in the air.
So a focus on a few positives. I have gotten us back to eating healthy and taking meals to work. I have a feeling that this week we will see the full force of that because we won't eat supper out (we have food prepared and things to eat).
This is the first time that I have successfully got us to include salads in our meals on a regular basis (we love them but they do take effort). We are back to making our artisan bread on a regular basis and we are back to making the majority of items from scratch. The only thing that concerns me is that we may have to increase the grocery budget because we seem to be spending $100 on each grocery run (1x per week). Course that may just be because we let things get too depleted.
Oh I have also learned how to make chicken broth from scratch which is much simpler than I thought so I can use that as a base for my veggie soup mix which is actually filling. I normally don't eat soup because I want to eat again soon after but this stuff, a mere 2 cups and I can forget about food for 7 hours.
Now that I have the food portion under control, I might start having budget control again. General rule with me is I can only change one bad habit at a time.
Since out to eat food is a large portion of our budget, getting that under control will help our finances immensely. Then I can work on the rest.
Posted in
January 16th, 2009 at 05:44 pm
Hubby has begun applying to jobs and headhunter organizations. He is also studying for the first actuary test to expand his options. He says that doing this has helped make the nightmares go away so that is a step in the right direction. To help him be more comfortable with any pay cuts, I have pointed out that even full time with a temp agency would be more than enough to keep us on track at our current budgeting levels.
This year we will be getting back the majority of the first time buyer's credit. A very good thing for us because we will use that to replenish the ef and pay off the credit cards.
This weekend I want us to start cleaning the old apartment so that sometime in February we can do the inspection and give back the keys.
Because of all the stress, I am currently fighting the urge to go shopping for used video games. Not sure I will win that one but will try and keep the cost down if I do go. I have two games to finish so I will try to wait until then to buy any new ones. This technique has actually worked for most of the past year (had a lot of unfinished games) but I am literally down to only 2 now so we shall see.
We have been majorly over budget for the past 3 months thanks to the upheaval of a new house so February will be all about getting back on track. The only 2 projects that are a huge priority is the kitchen vent (bought already, just need to get it installed properly) and new windows before next winter(current ones are badly damaged and unable to fully close, don't ask to see my heating bill...) Thanks to the weather here, heating is really only an issue for another month and then next winter. So we will see what we can save up for and do.
I am really looking forward to seeing the debt disappear. While it was best to get the house now, that last 10k just needs to go.
Posted in
January 13th, 2009 at 09:52 pm
My husband is reaching that point with his job where he has frequent nightmares about it, not exactly a healthy position to be in. Would love for him to hold out to June (decent EF and no credit cards at that point) but we will see what happens.
When I was at that point, I didn't last very long and was lucky that I had another position mostly lined up. I ended up being unemployed for only two weeks. But somehow I think he might have a longer hunt. He seriously job hunted for a little bit and that never panned out.
Fortunately, we can get by on just my income. If he holds out till June, I am all for him quitting outright and taking his time so he can recover from the burn out. My big issue is that I want the debt gone and the ef replenished in case something goes wrong.
He could probably get another job in his current field because he has contacts but I am betting he is just burned out on the field. Poor man, this really has gone on too long. I just wish it wasn't the most absolute worst time to be job hunting because its not going to help his ego to be turned down alot.
I told him that if he becomes a house husband, I want 3 course meals. The rest I couldn't care less about but that is what it is going to take to keep me from eating out. :P
Posted in
December 23rd, 2008 at 07:17 pm
Through February we will have mortgage and rent, 2 electric bills and 2 water/sewer bills.
Starting in March
Short term savings 75
IRA 200
CC#1 100
Student Loan 194
Electric/gas 100
Water 50
Car Insurance 66
PITI 1288
Gas 80
Internet 48
TV 38
Phone 70
Netflix 15
Groceries 300
Out to Eat and Fun Money 400
401(k) is pre tax up to matching
Expense Total 3024
Income Total 4800
Obviously there is a big difference there and we plan to save it so that our EF fund can go to a min of 5k at all times and to pay for all the repairs needed on the house. We are also using that money to pay off all the remaining 0% credit cards (there are 3 of these).
What this means is that besides paying off the credit cards, we will have a little less than 17k at the beginning of Jan 2010. Obviously some of this will get spent on the house. The rest will be used to max out the 2 Roth's and fill up the EF fund. DH plans on getting a new job next year sometime so I want as much flexibility in savings as possible.
If things go smoother than planned, then we can go back to the original plan of maxing out the 401(k) at his new place to up our retirement savings. Especially since I suspect any new position would entail a raise. My big issue is that if he really wants to switch jobs this year, I really want a decent EF in place. We have too much work on the house to do to be surviving just on my income.
And he is definitely in need of a job change. He wakes up dreading going to work and that is not healthy. Obviously that 17k assumes full employment all along so chances are we will end up with much less which is why I am trying to keep as much cash on hand as possible. Hopefully his job hunt goes well and he can find a new one prior to quitting his old. If not, I suspect that by fall he would need to quit and just job hunt.
This spring he plans on doing a self study to get a certificate that will make him more marketable so hopefully that will get him out into summer. I just hope he takes his time and finds a job he likes instead of settling like he did when he took this job.
Posted in
December 22nd, 2008 at 09:48 pm
Ah the saga of the narrow stairs. Would not fit the old bed frame nor would it fit the 6 ft fish tank. The old bed frame was entireley due to not having the instructions nor having actually put it together ourselves so didn't know how to get it apart. Grr.. we of course figured it out after we demolished the bed frame.
Fortunately with the fish tank I made DH and I use the stand for practice. No way, no how. 5ft would have been possible but not 6ft. Fortunately the house is old and well made so we have quite a few places we can set the tank up without risk of breaking the floor. 
We managed to finish tearing out the library doorway and even started the first layer of plaster. We are going to need wire mesh though for the top of the doorway due to a large gap between wood pieces. The trim has been hammered in so we can plaster where the new trim doesn't hide the defects from the old trim. The ceiling is painted (had already been plastered) and the ceiling fan is up in the library as well.
We put on the new toilet seat so no more worries about the toilet seat potentially cutting someone (it was old and heavily damaged). We also pulled up the small section of self-adhesive linoleum tiles in the hallway off the beautiful hardwood floor underneath. It needs a quick scrubbing but its mostly cleaned up and not even sticky.
I work two days this week and only three next week so the next two weekends should develop even bigger changes. We managed to spend $200 on stuff but the good news is that the spending is finally starting to slow down.
Oh, we did manage to find a couch. Its being delivered Wednesday and its a nice recliner type. It will be nice on those rare days that we want to read all day to not be uncomfortable.Its $676 on a 6 month no interest finance account (as mentioned before, cash flow is scary through mid-February but perfectly fine thereafter so March and April is the payoff of debt months).
Now if I really want to make things go smoothly, I just need to make sure the library is ready for paint by tomorrow and then paint tomorrow so all the furniture can move in on Wednesday, lol. But no big deal if we don't, our living room is huge so can hold alot.
Wednesday will be nice since I will be trapt at the house and so will be able to clean it up. Maybe I will even set up my home network so everything has internet access again.
Posted in
December 19th, 2008 at 04:52 pm
So we were estimating our taxes and my DH to help me with this, grabs todays paystub offline and sends it to me. It seems that my estimation of his income was off by about 10k for the gross. As, once upon a time, this was more than I made in a year, failing to notice this is rather remarkable to me.
Part of the issue is that he has a 401(k) and the other part is that he actually pays money for his medical and other benefits. He also has been gaining income so quickly that last year's income is no predictor of the this years.
I have to say though, this is a little weird for me. My family at one point was living on less than 23k. Heck, when we first got married, we were living on 20k. We just brought in 87k and I already know that next year another 3.5k can be added to my side of the equation. Mind you, he will be getting some schooling in next year and may switch jobs but the likelihood of his income going down isn't very high without some serious unemployment time. And for that matter, my job is fairly secure and my job prospects are good as well.
It just seems bizarre to me that we have done this well for ourselves. I suppose its not as big an issue for my DH because his family has always been very successful but I am used to being the poor relations (no, no one ever treated me poorly, I just was definitely the poorest person I knew).
Even to this day, I can tell the people who grew up with money versus people like me by what they say and how they react to certain things. I am pretty sure I have even met more than a few self-made millionaires (I work in estate planning) who have shared my shock at something that was said. Once you have that background, it just kind of stays with you that you could always survive at that level again if you had to.
Sorry for the musing, every once in awhile I look back at where I have come from and the journey here and wonder how the heck I made it. Since I don't know a lot of people personally with the same background (or rather that made it after the same background), this is really the only place I can muse about it.
Posted in
December 17th, 2008 at 09:42 pm
Finally figured out that means every other month in this context. Technically it can mean that or twice per month so I was a little surprised that they used that particular word.
Its my water bill and I only know that means every other month because there was a sample bill to sneak a peek at. It seems a little random to me but another coworker has theirs every quarter so what the heck.
Its my only bill that isn't monthly or yearly. Go figure.
Posted in
December 15th, 2008 at 06:59 pm
It tooks some effort but we got all of the critical items done this weekend, managed to go to a party and still watched movies on Sunday.
Much happier than last week. Tonight I will make manicotti for supper and work on a few little projects.
Maybe I can figure out how to organize the new place or paint the ceiling in the one room.
I can't wait for the holiday weekends so that we can get the bigger projects done.
Posted in
December 9th, 2008 at 08:09 pm
I never had a move not go according to my schedule until now. It just seems like anything that can be delayed, has been delayed. We managed to move all the big stuff this weekend which was great but managed not to move our food and our cookwares. The microwave has been lost in transit so we are still awaiting news aka we can't cook with that either. Grr...
We did get the new to us car today so we will be able to go grab our food and a few other essentials we forgot. This weekend we spent $200 on the moving van and another $200 on random items for the house. I also think we still have one more $200 run in our future for miscellaneous items. *Sigh*
The dog seems to have finally accepted the new house and we seem to have finished with waiting for people to show up and fix or install things.
We haven't unpacked all the boxes or rearranged everything. We haven't hooked up the washer machine. We haven't even figured out what to do about the kitchen vent yet.
I did decide yesterday not to seek an early release on the lease. I am going to need the full time at the rate we are going.
Posted in
December 5th, 2008 at 03:09 pm
I have done this too many times to count. I think we are going to be tight, I do the math and I confirm it. Then a couple of days later, I do the math or look at a number again and realize that I have double counted a big payment.
Which inevitably means we won't have a budget crunch. Not in the slightest. This time my mistake was a $1156 payment. Since I get nervous below a thousand, I thought things would be tight.
I think I was so convinced that we blew through a lot of money on the house that I didn't double check the rather large bill amount which was way off. There is a big difference between $3500-4000 and $2500.
Which is good because using the bad numbers, we were going to be tight when buying a cheap car off of someone I know. Yup, we are paying cash for a reliable beater since we don't currently own a car. Still will use mass transit for commuting but now we won't have to rent cars for weekends or have to wait till the weekend to drive somewhere.
I am still going to see how stingy we can be through the months of December, January and February. I would like to replenish our emergency funds as soon as possible. Its just nice knowing that we didn't spend as outrageously as I had feared.
Posted in
December 4th, 2008 at 05:31 pm
This is what the house has cost so far
Sears: $4034.23
Linen N Things: $585.28
Lowes: $778.48
Home Depot: $815.90
Walmart: $205.30
Amazon: $431.42
Plumber: $345.00
Here is where I list what I spent money on and where I saved money. First the positive.
Lowes: $60 in coupons used
Home Depot: $50 gift certificate from realtor used
Sears: shopped sales, clearances and the outlet store
LinenNThings: Nothing under 30% off was bought (and yes we made sure they didn't just jack the price up to put it on sale)
Walmart: Got what we could here because it was cheaper than any other place.
Amazon: I was picky about the microwave, needed one that doubled as a convection oven and was reliable. They were the cheapest. By combining this purchase with a cheaper stove, saved about $400-700 overall (Double ovens on freestanding gas stoves are expensive).
Plumber: First quote was $1600. Second was from a guy who actually knew what he was doing AND was cheaper.
Now, what I bought.
High efficiency steam washer, refrigerator with french doors and bottom freezer, gas stove with 5 burners and convection oven, microwave that can act as a convection oven, trim (to replace badly mistreated trim), tools for both inside and outside, queen bed set because our current bed will not fit in the bedroom (turning our king into a basement guest bedroom), paint, primer and painting tools, curtains and curtain hardware (we have more windows than walls seriously but at least we never have to turn lights on until its dark out), door locks and door handles (outside doors), radon test kit, etc.
AKA, lots. I now have a 10% coupon for Lowe's good through 1/15/2009. Of course. But I am sure we will find a use for it.
So a little less than $7200. I suppose that's not actually bad considering. Wait till we price out replacing the casement windows with new casement windows.
Oh, I also got the first electric and gas bill for the house. 9 days cost $23 plus $64 that the previous owners didn't pay (no worries, I expected that and was grateful it was so little). I suspect part of that was the gas water heater having to heat up all the new cold water pumping through it. The house water has been turned off a couple of times in the past month. At this rate, the house will be cheaper than our current place for double the space. I will reserve judgment till after I see the first water bill.
This weekend we are finally moving in. Once we are in I think the little projects will be easier to accomplish.
Posted in
Budget Info,
December 3rd, 2008 at 05:50 pm
Must be that time of year. For some reason, each January just towards the end I have a cash crunch. Its not that we don't have enough money because when January is over we always have excess, its simply the way things fall. This year its being caused by the expected but unknown at the time expenses of buying a new house.
What it really means is that we have to delay my DH's upping of the 401(k) contribution from its current level to 30%+ til February instead of doing it in January. In February/March we will pay off the last of the credit cards and for the first time in a while be credit card debt free!
Which of course means that the next couple of months are going to be obnoxious financially. I am not a patient person and I have to wait 3 months to pay everything off and figure out my true expenses since the transition period is the most expensive (we have rent through February and a mortgage payment starting January and don't forget duplicate utilities).
To even figure out when the cash crunch would hit since I knew we were due for one, I had to create a timeline of when things were due and when we got paid. Course all of this is moot if we manage to get bonuses this year but I don't count on them, especially in a year when the firm is trying to figure out its budget and the husband's company already did layoffs in the middle of its busy season.
I just look forward to the next 3 months being over. We will be moved out of the apartment, moved into the house, free of all the credit cards and able to build a really decent emergency and house fund for the first time ever (unless you count the house down payment but fortunately we were able to use that for the house and not an emergency).
I think I will have to wait till March to decide my 2009 goals because everything will have settled down by then. Probably will include saving like mad for expected house expenditures like windows and venting in the kitchen and bath, lol.
Posted in
December 1st, 2008 at 08:09 pm
I don't have all the numbers to post but I will probably post what we spent on the house once it slows down. I do know that we have broke the 4k mark if you include appliances.
For those who asked, I will post before and after photos once I have them. The wall and trim repairs and painting is taking a very long time. We slept, ate, and worked on the house for the previous 3 days and we only have 1 room finished for all that effort (biggest room in the house though so that is something).
I decided to try sponge painting and decided that I can't stand it. So the walls are getting repainted back to the base color. Fortunately that won't take too long (2 hour max) but its still obnoxious.
3 people working 3 days straight on one house. Ugg. Fortunately we have another 2 long holiday weekends to really work on the house so that things can get fixed up.
Which is good, we are going to need it.
Posted in
November 24th, 2008 at 06:47 pm
$800 in tools and supplies
$1162 for a scratch and dent LG Steamwasher (now with more scratches and dents, see below)
$899 for a gas stove w/ 5 burners and a convection oven
$700 for a queen bed set
Amazing how many things you find you need when you start trying to fix things up. Wait till we start adding in the repair bills.
The washer was fun. We have a narrow stair well. It was just not going to fit down there. So we did an impromptu deconstruction of the wood paneling and discovered another 3-5 inches of space. We managed to walk/drop it down the stairs, one step at a time since it still wouldn't fit with a dolly. We will see how well it survived the beating after the water gets turned on. (Oh yeah, did I mention the previous owners hadn't warned us that they had turned the water off after inspection, lovely.)
We will be taking the doors off our fridge to get it into the kitchen, not too bad since its designed for that so its easy. It is very bad that we have to do that for the old fridge though. Its full of mold and smells like it. Ugg. We also added a few new dents to the fridge thanks to it being awkwardly large. Ah well, at least its in, it was fairly cheap and what I wanted.
Discovered that the trim in the bedroom and library is horribly trashed, decided to fully replace it since we are going to be painting and patching anyways. Since the trim has been abused, its very easy to get off with a prybar but that is one more new expense. Ahh we always knew this place would nickel and dime us.
The weekend wasn't long enough. We had enough time to trash the place and no time to put it back together again. Too much shopping for things we needed, like a functioning stove and washer and the tools to fix the place up.
Friday after turkey day, we have the stove, the water guy, and the plumbing guy all coming so we are hoping to get more projects finished while we wait patiently for them. Feel free to laugh now.
We have the apartment until February. We are going to need it at this rate. So glad we gave ourselves enough time to accomplish things. We both have 3 extended weekends coming up during the holidays and DH has a full week of vacation to burn through in first quarter so we have time coming up in which to do the work.
Posted in
November 19th, 2008 at 02:47 pm
So we got the last of the all clears we needed from our mortgage company and now they are just rushing to have all the paperwork finished in time for the closing tomorrow. Because we are doing a short sale, it can take the short sale bank 24 hours to approve the closing. Grrr.
Hopefully we have their signature by this weekend so we can get started on the house. If not, we will have to wait until Monday to take possession (which basically means not till Thursday which is our first day off next week and is also Thanksgiving Day).
But at least its on track to close.
We have decided that before moving in, we want to paint the living room, hire a plumber for the plumbing issues, install a new gas stove and our new frig, correct the switch hot and neutral wires on 50% of our outlets and clean the place up a bit.
Don't even ask how much we plan on spending at Lowe's, we have a variety of tools that we don't currently own that we will need almost immediately. At least the holidays are coming up so we have a lot of mandatory time off in which to work on the house.
Posted in
November 10th, 2008 at 08:52 pm
$330 for the home inspection
$99 for the sewer pipe inspection
$217 for clothes at one store
$76 for clothes for husband
$100 for clothes at another store
$64 for makeup
$36 for jewelry
$200 for curtains and curtain rods
$89 for groceries (including some Thanksgiving items)
$40 for books (cheap trip in my household)
$100 for out to eat meals
Youch. On the clothes, well, it was overdue and I only tend to buy in batches because I hate clothes shopping. Most of the items were very much on sale or it would have cost alot more. Jewelry, makeup and books have no excuse. As I don't traditionally wear any makeup, the makeup is an experiment. Everything else was a planned expense.
In the past, I have spent a lot more money on clothes because I didn't hit sales and would wait till I was desperate for clothes. I think I am improving on that but I still really hate to spend money on clothes.
I did have to force my husband to get 2 shirts he wanted because he seems to think its a crime for him to spend money on himself (this is the guy who waited until all his shirts had holes in the elbows before buying new dress shirts for work). So we went back to get them the next day while I still had a 20% discount on them (actually got 40% off thanks to a layaway special which was nice.)
Also, this was a 3 day weekend thanks to the home inspection. Blah, maybe I am becoming more of a saver than a spender, I really didn't enjoy parting with that much money and in the past I wouldn't have blinked an eye. What's especially weird is that I spent much less than I have in the past and it fits in the budget but it still gives me palpitations. I think part of that though is the fact that we will be spending so much on the house very soon.
Speaking of which, the inspection went well, we will have to spend less than we thought we would but we do need a new stove. The old one doesn't really work. I see the scratch and dent outlet center in our future.
Posted in
November 6th, 2008 at 10:03 pm
and I am guessing I am the only one here that doesn't from the blogs I have been reading. We just fit it into our usual budget and call it good. I guess we just don't feel the need for as many items under the tree as other people. While we will decorate and will wrap gifts, they tend to just be the little items we would have bought eventually anyways.
My big issue with saving up for Christmas is that the more money available for Christmas, the more money gets spent. For example, one year I managed to get DH to agree to only using the Christmas bonuse from my small firm. I thought it would cut the spending. I underestimated the generosity of my employer. It was a very merry Christmas.
The thing is, we just don't need to be getting all that stuff at once. I tend to appreciate items more one at a time than in one big pile where it may take you a month or two to use everything.
I guess that we allow ourselves so much spend money throughout our day to day life that its not that big of a deal to have lots of Christmas presents. Not that I mind, I am glad we can get items as we want them.
However, I am the person that has been told all my life that I am not allowed to buy anything after October or anything in the month before and during my birthday. I don't tend to have a lot of items I want and I have a tendency to buy them when I want them. Maybe I am just a party pooper...
That said, I love the holidays. I love decorating for them, cooking for them and getting together with people I love. I even like to watch the holiday specials. I have even put holiday decorations on my gift lists so that people could buy me a little something (since some people really love to buy people things).
Course I am known for buying people things whenever I see something they would like so maybe I just don't like being restricted to shopping for a specific holiday. Ah well, I always knew I was a little strange. :P
Posted in
November 5th, 2008 at 06:43 pm
This weekend we did a marathon window shopping session on house furniture. I suspect we will not be buying new furniture anytime soon because we are too picky and couldn't find anything we liked. :P I do eventually want a new or new to me couch that is more comfortable than our current one but I didn't see any winners.
We did pick up some items on our to buy list at Linen N Things close out sale. I really hope they are still around when we go to buy drapes and curtain rods but I doubt it. They are starting to look picked over.
Had my credit card freak out about my usage. No surprise that they didn't like me buying a frig but it was a surprise that they took a week to finally decline my card and never called me (I called them and they took care of it in about 10 minutes). First time I have had a card that didn't call me before declining when they suspected was fraud (did have one credit card that called me on every major purchase, sometimes while I was at the store, lol).
Monday of this week, all the inspections had to be rescheduled because the sellers decided they wanted to set up everything at the time we were supposed to be inspecting and we had to harass the mortgage company because they forgot that we wanted a 15 year mortgage instead of a 30 year mortgage. Better to have all this happen now rather than later.
This Friday we have the inspections so it should be quite the experience. After that, we get to call the mortgage company and get the appraisal in progress and then its just up to them to finish off the underwriting.
Posted in
October 31st, 2008 at 01:42 pm
Now comes the mad rush. The short sale bank wants the closing to occur before the 24th. So, I have emailed a home inspector and we have applied for an insurance quote from a company my DH works with and DH is sending all the new information to our loan officer so we can finish the loan paperwork.
Once I know which day the home inspector can do I will set up the rooter guy to inspect the pipes at the end of that. DH will ask the loan officer about the survey and the title commitment since we aren't sure who is doing what. The email from the realtor implied she was handling title and we were handling the survey but I think the bank will actually do both so hence double checking. I think what it actually is that not all lenders do surveys and that the realtor is going to start talking with our loan officer.
We won't have time for any mistakes. We are telling the loan officer to shoot for closing the 21st so that we have an extra day in case something goes wrong. Not to mention that gives us an extra weekend in there to get things done on the house.
At this point there is still a couple of ways that this can all fall apart but we are hoping for the best and trying to make sure deadlines aren't an issue.
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October 30th, 2008 at 07:45 pm
For the short sale approval, all that's left is for the VP of the bank involved to sign off or offer a counterproposal. Supposedly that is going to be happening this week (its already Thursday folks). Well its been a month already and we are finally getting antsy. We want this place and we are ready to get started.
Wish he would hurry up *grumble, grumble*.
We have been working towards the goal of owning our own home for 2 1/2 years now and we started with a -60k net worth so we are going to be extremely frustrated if we end up not getting this place and not finding anything else in the next couple of months so have to rent for another year. Yuck.
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October 27th, 2008 at 07:43 pm
I have 2 appliances that I will want/need for the house we are buying, a washer(need) and a refrigerator (want). We decide that since we need to try and keep prices down, we need to see who sells what at what prices.
We went to Sears on Saturday to see what kind of deals they had. We discovered a lovely little section that is clearance because items are floor models that they don't want to have out anymore. Oh boy. The deals look decent and we decide that when its time to buy we need to come back. Then I see my frig, the one that on sale with rebates costs about $1500, the one I am never going to pay that much for so I probably will never own it. They had a model in black for $734. Needless to say my jaw dropped.
I think about it for 10 minutes. Discuss it with the hubby and I basically decide we can't afford to pass it up. Go back, grab the salesman and tell him we want to buy the frig. He walks over and actually flinches a little when he sees the price drop on it (glad to know that I wasn't the only one surprised by the price decrease).
No installed icemaker or water dispenser which is the only reason I can think of for the lower price (normally factory installed which drives me batty because I don't like those features, I consider them a waste of space). So he calls the manager over to discuss a warranty. I listen to the speel, I like what he is saying but in the back of my mind I am not willing to pay a fortune for a warranty.
He offers the 5 year warranty for $150 (free maintenance, parts, repair and replacement if repaired more than 4 times). Personally I consider that a steal because I have seen the repair bills for refrigerators and all it takes is once. I figured if I buy the warranty I will never need it which is better than not buying it and having it break in less than a year 
So warranty, delivery, and frig for $1000. Very happy about that. Hopefully they will have a similar deal on a HE washer when I go back. And I am not going back till I have the house because I don't want the apartment that full of boxes, lol.
Only reason I got the frig is the deal and knowing that in my price bracket, none of the homes have a decent frig. So no matter what, I will be able to use my new frig and donate whatever one comes with the house to a local charity (they work but we always run out of space in our current frig, not to mention some of the awkward spacing issues).
This was a definite splurge. Not even remotely a necessity. And I must admit, I have no buyer's remorse. We have the cash for it and this was planned in our budget. I am still bouncy and thrilled with the purchase.
Oh and we also discovered that the kitchen does have a vent so we won't have to do anything to the kitchen immediately.
Which is good, because I plan on the washer and an electricity update for when we move in and the rest I want to hold off on until we have a nice large nest egg to cover any emergencies.
Posted in
October 23rd, 2008 at 11:31 pm
The house we are buying is a fixer upper. I already know certain items will need to be fixed. Both the bathroom and the kitchen lack any ventilation. The kitchen of course has a gas stove just to make life interesting. We are going to have to upgrade the electricity so I need to figure out what I want where eventually so I can do everything in stages without having to undo what I have previously done.
Course all of this could be moot. We could find out something horrendous about the house that makes it unlivable during inspection or the bank could decide they want to foreclose instead of sell. I am just the type who plans things out way too much, lol. But to be fair, taking into consideration everything that needs to be fixed is part of the house buying process.
Posted in
October 22nd, 2008 at 05:57 pm
We improved the net worth another 2k despite the down market (investing more than we have lost). Most of that is savings though we finally have enough for everything (technically, we both want about another 2 weeks to feel comfortable).
We have been brainstorming the most effective ways for upgrading the house where necessary. First we dreamed big and now I am figuring out how to be more realistic, lol. The cheaper method allows us to upgrade everything that matters except for the bathroom right off the bat. I am still trying to get that cheaper where possible without compromising on quality or ignoring something important.
Course all this may go out the window if the inspection turns up a nasty surprise that needs to be dealt with immediately so we shall see. Ah the joys.
I have a feeling that November is going to be a whirlwind...
Posted in
October 20th, 2008 at 07:22 pm
I cleaned up the balconey this weekend and took apart the last fish tank that needed to be taken down before we move. With slightly more than a month to the move and a major holiday in between now and the move, I have been hesitant to pack too much. As a result, our packing has been low stress and unrushed.
We ate out a lot this weekend and I spent money on items that were not a necessity. I am rather ambivalent about that given that we have been aiming for only 20% of our budget being spent on wants and I am beginning to suspect that is a little too low to be sustainable. We have plenty of wiggle room to allow it to go higher so I think for now I won't worry about it and will just make sure to keep the overrun at a minimum.
We did price out some of the items we want for the new house and were pleasantly surprised on how low cost we could go on the home gym equipment without skimping on the items that matter to us.
We still have a week or two before we hear back about the short sale so we are still treading water there though my real estate agent did send me a no update yet email today.
Oh and one thing I have noticed. The best way to get my husband to serve me my sized portions of ice cream is ice cream cones. I have never been able to have a quart of ice cream last this long before, lol. Must remember to keep ice cream cones on hand in the future.
Posted in
October 10th, 2008 at 09:13 pm
So who knows if that will last the weekend.
I think this weekend after grocery shopping we are going to be hermits and hide in our apartment all weekend long. We were constantly on the go last weekend so we feel seriously abused. On a financial note, that should keep the expenses low since the weekends are when we spend our money.
Everyone have a good weekend!
Posted in
October 8th, 2008 at 06:23 pm
Our bid was accepted and we got the signed paperwork today which is great but now we wait 2-4 weeks for the short sale approval.
At least we know we will have plenty of cash for the closing by the time it takes place.
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